Monday 9 September 2013

Individual paper brief outline

Executive summary

This paper hopes to explore the potential of organ cloning and how it could greatly extend the longevity of the human race. The paper will analyse the potential applications to medicine, ethical/social concerns and the setbacks pertaining to organ cloning.

Why I chose this topic

Man have always strived to delay death and diseases that is caused by failures or malfunction of certain organs or tissues is a major setback for this quest of immortality. People with diseases like kidney failure have to go through an organ transplant, and there are two major problems faced by these people.

  • The small supply of organs available to the patients
  • The possible rejection of the organ by your body upon receiving it, as your genetic materials differs from the genetic materials of the donated organ

Organ cloning opens up whole new possibilities as it solves both the issues above. Firstly, the organs can be cloned in a laboratory, hence solving the issue of availability. Secondly, the organs are cloned using your own genes, hence greatly reducing the possibilities of a rejection by your body. Above are the reasons I chose this topic as they could, in my opinion, greatly lengthen humanities lifespan and is the next breakthrough in medical science.


  • Introduction of organ cloning and therapeutic cloning
  • Potentials of this science.

Historical prospective

  • Highlight the milestones/timeline of organ cloning
  • Successes/Achievements in the past 

Current situation

  • How close are we to mastering this technology?
  • The reasons behind the limited funding of organ cloning research.
  • Ethical issues and social issues on the subject

Future considerations

  • Evaluating the ethical and social issues on the subject so that we can better understand the problems, and come out with a solution in solving such issues
  • Weighing the inevitable social/ethical issues discussed above against the benefits of organ cloning.
  • Would there be abuse of such a technology? (e.g. reproductive cloning)


To be drawn.

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